
Mattias Michael Lahoud, also known as MATRIXXX or Lil Mati, is a Swedish sound creator and sound designer.

He hails from Stockholm, Sweden. He went to Stockholm University and Focus Business School.

His academic pursuits included game development, information technology, and interactive telling, including film scripts and cinematic sequences.

Mattias Michael was raised as the youngest of five siblings; four brothers and a sister.

His artistic talent goes beyond sound. In 2018, he sent a painting overseas to Malta, to the popular Counter-Strike YouTuber Anomaly. The artwork is featured in Anomaly's YouTube videos "OPENING FAN MAIL 6" and "OPENING FAN MAIL 22".

By January 2023, Mattias had achieved considerable success in the realm of beats and sound creation, with his beats and sound effects amassing over 500 000 downloads on the world's biggest website platform for beats & sound effects. His work has been utilized by people across various industries worldwide, demonstrating his versatility and far-reaching appeal. Notably, his sound effects have appeared in music videos such as "MONA LISA" by New York rappers Jim Jones and Ricky Rikkardo, among other prominent artists.

Additionally, his sonic contributions have been utilized by Hollywood industry professionals and have also elevated video games that have garnered attention from world famous YouTubers like Markiplier, XDJames and Kilira Cooper. These accomplishments have highlighted his growing influence and the far-reaching impact of his work.

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