
  • Born In

    Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States

In 1969, Mark Eric Malmborg (along with arranger and ex-Animal Vic Briggs) constructed "A Midsummer's Day Dream", a beautiful album, a unique pastiche of Four Freshman/Beach Boys sensibilities coupled with wistful melancholia. Defiantly soft, "A Midsummer’s Day Dream" caught the tail end of Los Angeles 60s pop innocence perfectly, just as it slipped into infinity. 2002 s CD reissue of A Midsummer’s Day Dream (itself now out of print) caught the soft pop collector s world entirely off guard: Very few were aware of the LP s existence, and the reaction was united: A masterpiece was unleashed and a new generation of daydreamers was born! The result was glowing reviews in Mojo and Uncut, a Japanese edition, as well as soaring prices for the original long out-of-print vinyl pressing.

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