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  • Born

    6 December 1948 (age 75)

  • Born In

    Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Marius Müller-Westernhagen (often just referred to as "Westernhagen" by fans as well as on record covers) is a German singer and actor. He was born 1948 in Düsseldorf.
His breakthrough in music came with the album "Mit Pfefferminz bin ich dein Prinz" ("With peppermint, I'm your prince") in 1978.
Müller-Westernhagen's music is shaped through his concise voice and shouting passages. His texts are very direct and provoking, e.g. "Dicke" ("Fat people"), but also social critical texts like "Freiheit" (freedom) are included in his emotional repertoire.

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