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Oh, once I had it all, or did it all have me?
When you're dripping in your privilege
You don't know the difference
Between what you want and what you need

When nothing is enough, it gets tough just to smile
When every crack is a canyon, every inch feels like a mile

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Get back to the place you started from
Get back to childhood
Get back to what's good

Once I thought I was the only
Oh, I was so lonely
When you're only thinking of yourself
You're missing out on everybody else

Get back to the place you started from
Get back to childhood
Get back to what's good

In the middle of the night
I was on my own
'Til I realized
That my house was not a home
Just a pile of sticks and stones
Oh, and you told me to, you told me to

Get back to the place I started from

Writer(s): Margaret Glaspy

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