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  • Born

    22 January 1989 (age 35)

  • Born In

    Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, United States

Margaret Glaspy is an American singer and songwriter based in New York City. She began playing and living in New York at 21 years old and is currently signed with ATO Records. Her debut full length album "Emotions and Math" was self produced and critically acclaimed while her subsequent records have followed suit from her EP "Born Yesterday" to her second full length "Devotion".

Glaspy boasts a diverse of musical background from competitive fiddle to marching band trombone and influences ranging from Joni Mitchell to Elliott Smith. She focuses her talents in fiercely raw, guitar-driven pop songs. She cut her debut album at Sear Sound with Shawn Everett (Alabama Shakes, Lucius, Har Mar Superstar) in New York City.

Discography - Solo
Homeschool EP (2012, self-Released)
If & When EP (2013, self-Released)
You and I b/w Somebody to Anybody 7-inch (2016, ATO Records)
Emotions and Math (2016, ATO Records)
Born Yesterday EP (2018, ATO Records)
Devotion (2020, ATO Records)
Echo the Diamond (2023, ATO Records)
With The Fundies
The Fundies EP (2012 self-Released)

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