
Manu, aka Manv, Manuscimmia,CrazyManu (PazzoManu in the Italian adaptation), aka ManuPizza, Estupendo Chumgus or Manuel, alias of Manuel Maria Pollastri, is an Italian guy who's gay but also fascist. He's a great guitarist and a self-taught music composer. Too bad his music sucks.
Also he got circumcised and now lives as a trans female without a dick whose biggest dream is to destroy Sicily.
Manuel, born in Milan during the first cold war two, on September 27 2001, had a hard life as an inphant. His evil father forced him to listen to plenty of shitty 90s Alternative Rock bands, which brainwashed the poor child into actually liking that type of torture. Luckily, Manv later took revenge on his father and got him into electronic dance music. Unfortunately, right now he only listens to shitty italian trap pop whatever the hell it is.
He now lives happily in Cernusco sul Naviglio (which I don't think is a place that actually exists) and has a lot of passionate but violent sex with his boyfriend Lonk (Michele D'Andrea) and his cat Feder

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