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Lucky Twice
195,136 listeners
"This is the artist page for the Swedish pop group Lucky Twice. If you're looking for the artist 'Lucki', see his redirected profile. To ensure your scrobbles are shown under the correct name, please turn corrections off in your account settings." – Lucky Twice was a Swedish teenage pop duo consisting of nineteen year old Hannah Reynold and nineteen year old Emelie Schytz. They are signed to Family Tree Music in Sweden. Victoria Ekeberg is their manager who has a huge success with September, Gathania & Nexx. Their first single "Lucky", wa… read more
"This is the artist page for the Swedish pop group Lucky Twice. If you're looking for the artist 'Lucki', see his redirected profile. To ensure your scrobbles are shown … read more
"This is the artist page for the Swedish pop group Lucky Twice. If you're looking for the artist 'Lucki', see his redirected profile. To ensure your scrobbles are shown under the correct name, please turn correction… read more