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"Liability (Reprise)" explores the feelings of self-doubt and insecurity that come with fame and success. The singer admits that she is a "liability", or a burden, to those around her, and that she feels overwhelmed by the pressures of the life she leads. The repeated line of "you're a little much for me, no, no, no, no" seems to suggest that she is struggling to cope with the demands of those around her, perhaps referring to the industry and the expectations placed upon her as an artist.

The lyrics in the verse express the difficulty of pursuing one's dreams, as things tend to get harder as time goes on. The singer is aware of the things she has to offer, but also acknowledges the negative aspects of her life, represented by the "shit that we harbor". The line "maybe we just do it violently" may be interpreted as a reflection of the intense pressure Lorde feels to succeed, as she explores the idea that perhaps they are all too eager to achieve their dreams, even if it means resorting to potentially destructive behavior.

The outro emphasizes the theme of self-realization, as the singer admits that she is not what she thought she was, perhaps referring to the ways in which she has changed due to her fame and success. Ultimately, Lorde seems to be grappling with the fact that she may not be able to handle the pressures of her life, and that success may come at too high a cost.

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