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  • Years Active

    2006 – present (18 years)

  • Founded In

    Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

  • Members

    • David Jordan
    • Florian Füntmann
    • Jan Hoffmann
    • Janosch Rathmer

Long Distance Calling is a band based in Münster (NRW), Germany. They played their first show and released their first 4 song demo EP Dmnstrtn in late September 2006.

They play an instrumental rock music, based on heavy guitar riffing and shaking hands with psychedelic and calm elements. As most bands with this description tend to explore dark and depressive moods, these guys change between timid beauty and hard boiled reality in a tough play, always based on a driving rhythm section.
The demo EP Dmnstrtn became "demo of the month" in VISIONS magazine and ROCK HARD magazine.
Reactions to their debut album , Satellite Bay (2007), were unanimously positive.
Their second album, Avoid The Light, was released on 24 April 2009 on Superball Music, and it was produced by Kurt Ebelhäuser.

Their most recent album, eponymously entitled Long Distance Calling, came out in 2011.

David Jordan (guitar)
Janosch Rathmer (drums)
Florian Füntmann (guitar)
Jan Hoffmann (bass)
Martin Fischer (vocals and sounds)

Official site:

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