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Although it seems like madness
We cannot fear the fall
When human intervention is metaphorical
The lights in the salvation is dying all the same
The simplest solution is to end the game
And you can't
You can't hope to be there

How bright is the sun?
The blindness is in leaving
We've come too far from home to fall
How bright is the sun?
A dying star in evening
You cannot hope to catch them all

Lyrics continue below...

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We're basking in the progress
Were blinded by the cost
And in the forward motion we've never been so lost
And when the sky is quiet and choked in satellites
There'll only be a memory of how to put it right
And you can't
You can't hope to be there

How bright is the sun?
The blindness is in leaving
We've come too far from home to fall
How bright is the sun?
A dying star in evening
You cannot hope to catch them all

How bright is the sun?
The blindness is in leaving
We've come too far from home to fall
How bright is the sun?
A dying star in evening
You cannot hope to catch them all

Writer(s): John Mitchell

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