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As good as it was
How quickly I forget
No one ever notices
The evidence

What a fucking mess
We find ourselves in
If drowning was my first offense
Well, here I go again

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Now you're giving me up
I'm hanging on
Please, forgive me I'm not
Not who I was

As foolish as I was
There's something I regret
Leaving you cold as ice in Connecticut
In the name of diligence
I found out where you went
Surrendered to the promise that
I won't be him again

Now you're giving me up
I'm hanging on
Please, forgive me I'm not
Not who I was
Not who you loved

You're giving me up
You're giving me up
You're giving me up
As foolish as it was
Remember, I wish you way more than luck
As foolish as it was
Remember, I wish you way more than luck (You're giving me up)
As foolish as it was
Remember, I wish you way more than luck (You're giving me up)
As foolish as it was
Remember, I wish you way more than luck (You're giving me up)
As foolish, as foolish
Remember, I wish you way more than luck (You're giving me up)

As foolish as it was
Remember, I wish you way more than luck (You're giving me up)
As foolish as it was
Remember, I wish you way more than luck
As foolish as it was
Remember, I wish you way more than luck
As foolish as it was

Writer(s): Crisanta Baker, Matt Lowell, Sterling Laws, Samuel Stewart

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