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"Blue Velvet" is a song by Tony Bennett, covered by Lana Del Rey. The song depicts a woman who is draped in blue velvet, symbolizing her elegance and glamour. Her blue velvet eyes and tender sighs are juxtaposed with the darkness of the night. The lyrics suggest that the protagonist is in love with this woman, whose love ignites a flame in him. The bridge section of the song suggests that their love was strong and passionate, but when the woman left, the flame died and the love was gone. The final verse speaks of how even though the woman is gone, the memory of her and the blue velvet will always remain in the protagonist's heart. The final line, "And I still can see blue velvet through my tears", suggests that the protagonist still mourns for the love that he lost. Overall, the song is a powerful meditation on lost love and memories that still linger on.

It is the fifth track of Lana Del Rey's third EP, Paradise.

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