Låtar För Livet (Songs for Life) does not indicate a band name but a special project by Suicide Zero. Various Swedish artists took part in this project with their songs.
Too many people suffered from negative influences during the Covid-19 pandemic, that’s why Suicide Zero aims to provide a path of hope. They just want to do something positive by highlighting the type of music that is their primary activity, with an emphasis on Sweden and songs in Swedish lyrics.
Suicide Zero works to radically reduce the suicide rate. Every year, about 800 000 people worldwide take their own lives. That is almost 2 200 every day. Behind the statistics are parents, siblings, children, colleagues and friends. Each year, millions of people receive the news that someone they care about has taken their life. And many of these will be traumatized upon hearing the cause of death. At Suicide Zero do everything they can to raise awareness, spread knowledge and provide information about how suicides can be prevented.
All proceeds from this album will be donated to Suicide Zero and their work in the hope of being able to contribute to the important work of the Suicide Zero project.
Participating artists:
Those Without - Sand av Molly Sandén
Dusty Miller - Svalkar Vinden av Svenska Björnstammen
Aviana - Svag av Victor Leksell
Torments - Bara Vara Mig Själv av Laleh
All fallers - (Du är så) Yeah Yeah Wow Wow av Martin Svensson
Noija - 5 Minuter av Veronica Maggio
Awake The Dreamer - Din Tid Kommer av Håkan Hellström
ColdTears - Brinner i Bröstet av Danny Saucedo
Lakesides - Forever Young av Thomas Stenström
Marcus Vik (Invent, Animate) - Lakan av Newkid
Låtar För Livet released on January 8, 2021 by High 5ive Music, Sweden.
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