Eisenslav: vocals, bass, percussion, drymba, lyrics Viterzgir: guitars, keyboards, sopilka, trembita, drums Tape limited to 1000 copies. Re-released on CD in the winter of 2005 by HAMMERMARK ART Records limited to 2000 copies / in the spring of 2006 by ANCIENT NATION Productions limited to 1000 copies. Due to the "label's mistake" the CD contains an instrumental composition (1:30) (that was supposed to be an exclusive bonus on LP) instead of the last song. "Towards The Firmaments Verge of Life…" 1. Trizna 2. Pathways of Fate 3. Wind From the Mountains … read more
Eisenslav: vocals, bass, percussion, drymba, lyrics Viterzgir: guitars, keyboards, sopilka, trembita, drums Tape limited to 1000 copies. Re-released on CD in the winter of 2005 by HAMMER… read more
Kroda (also sometimes written as Крода) is a pagan folk / Black Metal band from Lviv, Ukraine formed by Eisenslav and Viterzgir in 2003. They describe their music as "True Ukrainian Heathen Metal" and their lyrics deal with themes like nature, paganism and history, as well as anti-Christianity. Although starting as a studio project, Kroda became a live band in 2007, drafting in musicians from Ruina to flesh out what was a two-man lineup. Despite several protests by the band to the cotnrary, they are often considered part of the National Socialist Black Metal scene by the f… read more
Kroda (also sometimes written as Крода) is a pagan folk / Black Metal band from Lviv, Ukraine formed by Eisenslav and Viterzgir in 2003. They describe their music as "True Ukrainian He…read more
Kroda (also sometimes written as Крода) is a pagan folk / Black Metal band from Lviv, Ukraine formed by Eisenslav and Viterzgir in 2003. They describe their music as "True Ukrainian Heathen Metal" and their lyrics deal with t… read more