"Upon first conversing with this brother, I sensed the powerful, revolutionary, scary persona of this brother infused with his knowledge. Khujo, whose name refers to the leader of the Tribal Maroons who led escaped slaves to freedom. Khujo also means change. If you count the letters K-H-U-J-O on the alphabet, add the numbers up and divide the total by 5, you get the number 13 which symbolizes change: K(11)+H(8)+U(21)+J(10)+O(15)=65=65/5=13. Not to mention his birthday falls on the 13th, therefore his name bears special meaning. This change of revolution is evident in the mes… read more
"Upon first conversing with this brother, I sensed the powerful, revolutionary, scary persona of this brother infused with his knowledge. Khujo, whose name refers to the leader of the Tribal Maroons who led escaped slaves to freedom. Khujo also means change. If you count the letters K-… read more
"Upon first conversing with this brother, I sensed the powerful, revolutionary, scary persona of this brother infused with his knowledge. Khujo, whose name refers to the leader of the Tribal Maroons who led escaped slaves to freedom. Khujo also means change. If you count the letters K-H-U-J-O on the alphabet, add the numbers up and divide the total by 5, y… read more