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This song was written by Kate Bush. The song was inspired by Harry Houdini, the escape artist who became known as the "Handcuff King" at the beginning of the 20th century. In the song, the keys to his chains were passed on to him by his wife during a kiss. This scene is depicted on the sleeve of the album. Following his death in 1926, his wife Bess tried to contact him during spiritual seances. Since Houdini was a spirited debunker of spiritualist frauds during his lifetime, he had devised a code - 'Rosabel, believe' - to ensure she knew that it really was him. In January 1929, it was reported in the Detroit News that Bess had actually succeeded in contacting him. She later came to believe that the code had been betrayed and she had been tricked. The story fascinated Kate so much that she decided to write a song about it.

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