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"Hammer Horror" was Kate Bush's fourth single release and first single from her second album Lionheart. It was released on 27 October 1978. Following the top ten success of her first three singles, the song charted at a much lower No. 44 on the UK Singles Chart.

The song is about two actors who are friends. One is playing the lead role in a production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, a part he's read all of his life and has been waiting for a chance to play. After many rehearsals, he accidentally dies and his friend is asked to take over the role, which he does because his own career is on the line. The dead man comes back to haunt him because he doesn't want him to have the role, believing that he is taking away the only chance he ever had in life. The actor is saying, "Leave me alone, it's not my fault. I have to take this role but I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do because the ghost won't leave me alone and is really freaking me out. I see him at every corner."

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