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  • Born

    27 September 1995 (age 28)

  • Born In

    Geumcheon District, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Kwon Eun Bi (Korean: 권은비, born September 27, 1995), also known by the mononym Eunbi, is a South Korean singer. She debuted as a member of the short-lived Ye-A under the stage name Kazoo in 2014 before leaving the group and signing a contract with Woollim Entertainment. In 2018, she participated on the Produce 48, and she finished in seventh place, which allowed her to debut as a member and the leader of the show's girl group IZ*ONE.

Following IZ*ONE's disbandment, on August 5, 2021, Woollim Entertainment revealed that she was preparing to debut as a solo singer and released her first album Open on August 24.

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