Kally's Mashup was an Argentine television series created and produced by Adam Anders along with Antony Falcón that aired on Nickelodeon Latin America from October 23, 2017 to April 19, 2019. The series stars Maia Reficco as Kally Ponce, Alex Hoyer as Dante Barkin, Sara Cobo as Gloria Skyler, Lalo Brito as Andrés "Andy" Guiderman and Sarai Meza as Tina Barkin. The show follows the adventures of Kally, a musical prodigy who tries to balance her life as a piano virtuoso and a regular teenage girl when she moves from a small town to the most prestigious Allegro Conserva… read more
Kally's Mashup was an Argentine television series created and produced by Adam Anders along with Antony Falcón that aired on Nickelodeon Latin America from October 23, 2017 to April 19, 2019. The series stars Maia Reficco as Kally Ponce, Alex Hoyer as Dante Barkin, Sara Cobo as Gloria S… read more
Kally's Mashup was an Argentine television series created and produced by Adam Anders along with Antony Falcón that aired on Nickelodeon Latin America from October 23, 2017 to April 19, 2019. The series stars Maia Reficco as Kally Ponce, Alex Hoyer as Dante Barkin, Sara Cobo as Gloria Skyler, Lalo Brito as Andrés "Andy" Guiderman and Sarai Meza as… read more