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In an interview with Passion of the Weiss' David Ma, Breeze Brewin said of this song:

"The story of the song itself is based on this one kid I knew, he was a white dude but he was as hood as anyone on the block. We were friends and would hang out at the crib all day, play basketball and listen to Ultramag. Anyways, he always pulled the baddest ladies and I remember one day his mom was talking to him while I was over and she was like: ‘You know, it’d be better if one of these days you brought home a girl with blue eyes.” I remember hearing that as a kid and being kind of confused. I’m sure he didn’t think it was that offensive and I wasn’t gonna stop being his friend after that, but I could never unhear it again. I was twelve and my mom had babysat him, so he was good people. His mom was good people too, and she was just talking in her kitchen and being honest. It just seemed like a natural thing she said. It rubbed me the wrong way and just stayed with me. For those not from New York, Mount Vernon is 80% black. I was on the Southside one day and that’s where I experienced racism for one of the first times. I was riding my bike and some old white guy in the neighborhood saw me and yelled: “What are you doing here? Go back to Mount Vernon! Go back to Mount Vernon!” I was little and didn’t even know what he meant. I ran home and told my mom and she was like, ‘Who said that to you?’ She actually had me take her back to the area where it happened and find the guy and was like, “You ever talk to my son like that again I’ll send you to Mount Vernon myself!” You gotta understand, where I grew up in the Bronx was very diverse, fifty percent black or Latino, and the other half-white. In my old birthday pictures we had white people, and Jewish cats, Jamaican neighbors, all of it and everybody it seemed. Then crack came and it wasn’t so diverse no more. White Flight was immediate and real and they left right away."

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