John LiVigni AKA John Valenti was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. His first recording was with the group "Puzzle" on Motown Records. Motown released two albums with the group. John played drums, was the lead singer and wrote most of the material for the band. He later went solo and recorded "Anything You Want" for Ariola America. His last album "I Won't Change" recorded for RCA was never released in the USA but was later released in Japan. Both albums are availible on the internet. John is currently working on a new album which will only be a… read more
John LiVigni AKA John Valenti was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. His first recording was with the group "Puzzle" on Motown Records. Motown released two albums with the group. John played drums, was the lead singer and wrote most of the material for the band. He later went sol… read more
John LiVigni AKA John Valenti was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. His first recording was with the group "Puzzle" on Motown Records. Motown released two albums with the group. John played drums, was the lead singer and wrote most of the material for the band. He later went solo and recorded "Anything You Want" for Ariola America. His las… read more