
Joey Vriend is a Dutch singer, songwriter and musician from the town of Hoorn, The Netherlands. His songs have drawn comparisons to the music of Leonard Cohen, Nick Drake and The National.

At age seventeen Joey discovered the magic of fingerpicking the guitar, the sounds of the piano and the fragile sound of the mouth-organ. He started composing, arranging and performing his own material. His melancholic and nostalgic songs are often inspired by past times and nature. Many of them were recorded with producers Jeroen Tenty and Eric Lensink of the MI5 recording studios in his home town of Hoorn. Through the years Joey often travelled to the medieval town of Ghent, Belgium, for writing sessions with with poet and lyricist, Andy Cartwright.

Vriend's début EP, Haunting Me, came out in May 2015. His first full-length effort, Hiding at First Light (October 2019) was released by Volendam-based indie label, King Forward Records.

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