Jikkenteki is the musical moniker of Rennis Buchner, a musician with over 15 years of experience. Jikkenteki proper came into being in 1999. After spending a year isolated in Japan without any of his musical equipment, he finally had enough and broke down, buying all new gear. In the beginning it was all was very humble gear, nothing like what was left behind in the US, but it was enough. After a phase of looking for direction and a couple of brief one off performances with DJ Spanktronic (under the moniker Shock Absorbing Mechanism), our friendly musician slowly started focusing in… read more
Jikkenteki is the musical moniker of Rennis Buchner, a musician with over 15 years of experience. Jikkenteki proper came into being in 1999. After spending a year isolated in Japan without any of his musical equipment, he finally had enough and broke down, buying all new gear. In the beginnin… read more
Jikkenteki is the musical moniker of Rennis Buchner, a musician with over 15 years of experience. Jikkenteki proper came into being in 1999. After spending a year isolated in Japan without any of his musical equipment, he finally had enough and broke down, buying all new gear. In the beginning it was all was very humble gear, nothing like what was left behind in … read more