
  • Release Date

    19 April 2014

  • Length

    14 tracks

Venus & Mars is the first studio album by Dutch pop singer songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Jett Rebel, released by the record label Sony Music Entertainment on April 19, 2014 in the Netherlands. The album is composed of his first two EPs, Venus and Mars.Venus was released on May 26, 2013 and Mars on January 15, 2014. Two new songs have been added to the album, "#" and bonus track "On Top of the World", the bonus track for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. On April 19, 2014, these EPs were combined for one album. It is not considered to be his debut album. The album was produced by Rebel with help from Dutch producer JJJ Sielcken for the first seven tracks. Venus & Mars spawned the singles "Do You Love Me at All", "Louise" and Tonight".

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