Jamie has been seen on The Conan O’Brien show, MSNBC’s Up with Chris, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Showtimes The Green Room, CNN’s The Joy Behar Show, The Paramount Comedy Channel in the UK, The BBC, The Comedy Channel in Australia, HBO Canada, and Showtime Comedy in the Middle East. He co-hosts Citizen Radio, which has been praised by Janeane Garofalo, Noam Chomsky, Robin Williams. He and his co-host were named by The Nation Magazine as top “media heroes”. Most importantly Glenn Beck has called him a “doofus” and “goofball” and Jonah Goldberg refuses to fight him. He was a Timeo… read more
Jamie has been seen on The Conan O’Brien show, MSNBC’s Up with Chris, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Showtimes The Green Room, CNN’s The Joy Behar Show, The Paramount Comedy Channel in the UK, The BBC, The Comedy Channel in Australia, HBO Canada, and Showtime Comedy in the Middle East. He co… read more
Jamie has been seen on The Conan O’Brien show, MSNBC’s Up with Chris, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Showtimes The Green Room, CNN’s The Joy Behar Show, The Paramount Comedy Channel in the UK, The BBC, The Comedy Channel in Australia, HBO Canada, and Showtime Comedy in the Middle East. He co-hosts Citizen Radio, which has been praised by Janeane Garofalo, Noam C… read more