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  • Years Active

    1982 – present (42 years)

  • Founded In

    New York, United States

Webster's definition of 'ivory tower' is: a figurative place of mental withdrawal from reality. The phrase is used as a symbol of escapism. Independent recording artists: Ivory Tower Project is a new breed of 'old school' rockers. New, original music for those who love the sound of Classic Pop/Rock/R&B inspired by the great artists of the 1970s and 80s. Ivory Tower Project (also known as: ITP) was founded in 1982 by NY veteran songwriters: Johnny Jace and Mark Regula. New York City veteran guitarist: Tony Novarro was soon recruited, and Novarro and Regula formed the core of ITP. As band members left, they were replaced by the NY Metro area's finest studio musicians that transcended Ivory Tower from being a band into a studio Project.

ITP signed with independent label; Guerrilla Records-NY and released their debut CD entitled: "Red Hot'. In 2016 released their sophomore CD: 'How Much More?' and in 2019; releasing the digital EP: 'ITP-III all three of which have received rave reviews and airplay on over 700 radio stations in 37 countries worldwide. ITP has been nominated in: the Nashville Universe Awards, the Josie Music Awards, the Hollywood Music in Media Awards (HMMA) and the Red Carpet Award Show in Holland. ITP has been named 'Artist of the Year' for 2 years in a row on the show: 'Independent Corner' on Cygnus Radio. They are a fixture in the Top 20 on the Rock Chart at ReverbNation and are in the Top10 most weeks of the year.

ITP has also recently secured a sync-license deal with NBC Universal with their signature single: "My Name (from their debut album 'Red Hot'). Their song has been included in Episode 106 of the Netflix original television series: 'Wizards - Tales of Arcadia' produced by DreamWorks Animation. Additionally, they currently have over 1.7 million lifetime streams on Spotify.

Group Members:
Mark Regula: Vocals, keyboards, guitar
Tony Novarro: Guitars, back vocals
Sal DiAngelo: Vocals, drums, acoustic guitar
Mike Carbone: Drums, percussion
Henry Kessler: Vocals, keyboards, woodwinds
Kevin Joyce: Bass. vocals

Studio Musicians:
Ivan Elias: Bass (formerly with Patty Smyth and Scandal)
Richie Cannata: Sax (formerly with Billy Joel)
Joey Bruno: Electronic drums
Sharon Wolfe: Vocals
Tex Prothro: Flute, Sax
Tyrone Johnson: Bass
Gary Flood: Guitar
Bruno Pezzulich: Bass
Zoe Grella: Drums, percussuion

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