N'Iseut de Capio (born c. 1140) was a noblewoman and trobairitz from Gévaudan. She was a neighbour and contemporary of the trobairitz Almucs de Castelnau, with whom she shared the composition of a tenso. It is her only surviving piece of work. Iseut's origins are a matter of conjecture. What can be said with certainty is that she was from the castrum de Capione, medieval Occitan Capio or Capion, identified with either modern Chapieu or Chapelins. The castle stood atop the Mont Mimat above the river Mende. She may have belonged to the family of the lords of Tournel, one of… read more
N'Iseut de Capio (born c. 1140) was a noblewoman and trobairitz from Gévaudan. She was a neighbour and contemporary of the trobairitz Almucs de Castelnau, with whom she shared the composition of a tenso. It is her only surviving piece of work. Iseut's origins are a matter of conject… read more
N'Iseut de Capio (born c. 1140) was a noblewoman and trobairitz from Gévaudan. She was a neighbour and contemporary of the trobairitz Almucs de Castelnau, with whom she shared the composition of a tenso. It is her only surviving piece of work. Iseut's origins are a matter of conjecture. What can be said with certainty is that she was from the castrum d… read more