El jardín de los presentes es el tercer y último álbum de estudio de la banda argentina Invisible, en su segunda etapa como cuarteto, integrada por Luis Alberto Spinetta, Machi Rufino, Pomo Lorenzo y Tomás Gubitsch, y el noveno en el que tiene participación decisiva Spinetta. Está considerado como una obra maestra del "rock nacional" argentino y considerado el #28 entre los 100 mejores álbumes del rock argentino por la revista Rolling Stone.
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El jardín de los presentes es el tercer y último álbum de estudio de la banda argentina Invisible, en su segunda etapa como cuarteto, integrada por L… read more
El jardín de los presentes es el tercer y último álbum de estudio de la banda argentina Invisible, en su segunda etapa como cuarteto, integrada por Luis Alberto Spinetta, Machi Rufino, P… read more
Invisible was originally formed in 1973 Buenos Aires, Argentina by Luis Alberto Spinetta (guitars and vocals) who was formerly from the band Pescado Rabioso* that recently broke up at the time. The bass and drums were played by two former Pappo's Blues members Hector Lorenzo (drums) and Carlos Rufino (bass.) During the beginning of the bands playing the music was more straightforward rock with influences of Hendrix and Zeppelin and touches of a Black Sabbath sound. Their first, self-titled album, reflected their influences and was very complex, especially for a three man rock g… read more
Invisible was originally formed in 1973 Buenos Aires, Argentina by Luis Alberto Spinetta (guitars and vocals) who was formerly from the band Pescado Rabioso* that recently broke up at the t… read more
Invisible was originally formed in 1973 Buenos Aires, Argentina by Luis Alberto Spinetta (guitars and vocals) who was formerly from the band Pescado Rabioso* that recently broke up at the time. The bass and drums were played by two for… read more