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  • Release Date

    8 July 2021

  • Length

    11 tracks

"It Won’t Always Be Like This" is the debut album by irish band Inhaler, released on July 9, 2021 through Polydor Records. The album peaked at #1 in Ireland and UK, also being the fastest selling vinyl from a 21st century band. It was originally scheduled to be released on July 16th, 2021, but brought forward by the band through their social media.

The record sees Elijah Hewson, Josh Jenkinson, Robert Keating and Ryan McMahon turn their early promise into something special, an album teeming with expansive indie-rock grooves and soaring anthems. Includes the single Cheer Up Baby, a swooping, epic singalong alongside newly recorded versions of early fan favorites My Honest Face and title track It Won’t Always Be Like This.

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