
Norwegian crushers I, The Betrayer, who combine the rumbling heavy of Grand Magus with the rock’n’roll hooks of Audrey Horne and the full-blown heavy metal heroics of Blind Guardian. Basically, if you like it metal, this is the band for you.

“We’re a group of guys from very different backgrounds,” explains drummer Terje. “Together we’ve managed to take our favourite parts from each style and meld them into what we consider to be a great representation of us, both as separate artists and as a band. We go from pounding rhythms and low-down riffing to clean, progressive styled passages and soaring vocals!”

The Oslo natives are keen to stress that, while their country may not be seen to be at the forefront of heavy music in the same way it was in the extreme metal boom of the 90s, Norway still has plenty to offer when it comes to the good stuff.

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