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1. Hymn is a duo from Oslo (Norway), consisting of the gitarrist and drummer from Sâver. They released their debut album Perish in 2017 and the follow up Breach Us in 2020.

2. Hymn (1981-1984) was a coldwave band from France that released the 12" Tired, as well as two limited cassettes.

3. Hymn is an indie/emo band based out of Kingston, Pennsylvania, formed in December of 2015. The band consists of members Andrew Mickowski (guitar), TJ Chau, (vocals, guitar), George Monrroy (drums, vocals), Brianna Redding (keyboard, vocals), and Josh Roberts (Bass). Their sound is influenced by the mid-2000s wave of emo/alternative bands such as Northstar, The Early November, Senses Fail, as well as indie/post-rock elements from bands like Explosions In The Sky, American Football, & Carissa's Wierd. On June 17th, 2016, the band released their debut EP 'Mouth' via Running Around Records.

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