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Hayden James is an Australian singer, songwriter and record producer from Sydney, Australia. He is signed to label Future Classic. He has written for Katy Perry on her album Witness.
His first single "Permission to Love" was released in June 2013 with remixes from label mates Touch Sensitive and Charles Murdoch.
His debut EP, Hayden James was released on 30 August 2013. Since then, James has supported Disclosure and Odesza on their US and Australian tours. He has also played at the major Australian music festivals Splendour in the Grass and Groovin The Moo.
His single "Something About You" was released in December 2014 and went Gold in Australia. It has now been streamed over 68 million times on Spotify, SoundCloud and Youtube.

James released "Just a Lover" in June 2016 which received an ARIA nomination for Best Dance Release and was followed by a national tour with producer Dena Amy as a support.

His latest single "NUMB" featuring GRAACE was released in October 2017.

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