
There is more than one artist with this name:

1. Harta is a Latvian band formed in Rīga, Latvia in 2014 after the dissolution of Burned in Blizzard. The band now consists of Kārlis Kalvišs on vocals,Toms Krēsliņš and Matīss Klaviniuss on guitars, and Roberts Cešeiko on drums. Former members includes Kārlis Kempels on guitar and Rolands Ignatjevs on bass guitar and backing vocals.

In 2019, the band released their first full-length album Timeline.

2. Harta is an Italian band from Rimini, Italy.


Flavio Biagini - vocals;
Leonardo Agostino - guitars;
Andrea Muccini - bass;
Jacopo Corbelli - drums.

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