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There are at least five bands named Haggis - From Norway, Finland, United States, Canada, and Japan.

1) Haggis is a politically-incorrect skinhead band from Norway that formed in 1994 playing Oi! punk on their first albums and, later, a bit old school hardcore .

2) Haggis is from Jyväskylä, Finland. Their music is post punk with distorted vocals, bass and drums.

3) Haggis was a punk band formed in Boise, Idaho USA in 1991, the band played their last show at the House of Rock in 1998. The members of Haggis were Shane (guitar, vocal), Andy (guitar, vocal), Ben (drums) and Mark (bass, vocal).

4) Haggis was/is a Celtic Rock band from Cornwall, Ontario Canada that performed between 1997 and 2001. Haggis members are/were Nicholas Seguin (vocals), Gilles Levac (keyboard), Jeff Barker (fiddle), Jason Mitchell (drums), Glenn Forrester (bass) and Brent Santin (Irish flute, tin-whistle, bodhran).

5) Irish! Scottish! Japanese! Punk!! HAGGIS is a punk band spinning out an energy that is infectious and punk as f-ck! HAGGIS are Yumeho (Vocals, Bagpipe, Banjo), Hiroki (Mandolin, Vocals) , TAT$ULOW (Guitar, Chorus), Kouhei (Bass, Chorus) and YASU (Drums).

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