
If success is rewarded by hunger and hard work then it will come as no surprise that Harry Shotta is now recognized as one of the most gifted, prolific and versatile MC’s in the UK.

Following his rapid rise in the Drum and Bass scene, he has won eight awards including Best Lyrical MC and built up a massive live presence all over the globe. Harry is now one of the most booked MCs in the UK and overseas, with shows in Canada, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Paris, Amsterdam, Russia and Australia.

He has over 6 million views on his You Tube Channel ‘Harryshotshot’ whilst The Official Harry Shotta Fan Page and his Twitter are both growing fast with over 45,000 followers on Twitter and 80,000 likes on Facebook. His Sound Cloud page has been attracting an incredible amount of traffic, as Harry upped his work rate delivering four new Drum N Bass mixtapes to his worldwide audience. With regular uploads the site will has now hit over one million plays.

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