Guy Rupert Berryman (born 12 April 1978) is a member of the group Coldplay. He plays bass guitar and is known as the soft-spoken member of the band. Berryman was born in Kirkcaldy (Fife, Scotland), but he moved to Kent, England at age 12. He has been playing bass guitar since he was 16. He grew up on Funk and Groove music and he collects rare editions of those records. Before forming Coldplay at University College London, Berryman was in a band called Time Out while he was still at school. His father is an Engineer who worked on the Channel Tunnel. As Guy wanted a subject to study i… read more
Guy Rupert Berryman (born 12 April 1978) is a member of the group Coldplay. He plays bass guitar and is known as the soft-spoken member of the band. Berryman was born in Kirkcaldy (Fife, Scotland), but he moved to Kent, England at age 12. He has been playing bass guitar since he was 16. He gr… read more
Guy Rupert Berryman (born 12 April 1978) is a member of the group Coldplay. He plays bass guitar and is known as the soft-spoken member of the band. Berryman was born in Kirkcaldy (Fife, Scotland), but he moved to Kent, England at age 12. He has been playing bass guitar since he was 16. He grew up on Funk and Groove music and he collects rare editions of those re… read more