
  • Members

    • Avi Kulawy (2020 – present)

There are at least two bands with the same name:

1. NYC’s Gravesend arise with ill intent like a foul emanation from the aging sewage filled rot slowly winding its way beneath the city’s vast concrete walls and pavement pathways. A New York of discarded needles, noxious fumes, scavenging rats, broken bottles and cracked minds.

An aural manifesto of urban blight and disgust, “Methods Of Human Disposal” works like a lone killer stalking the streets, internally seething with rage, preparing to cast off the last remnants of restraint. Bear witness to savage black/death/grind fixation, searing warped speeds, and the slowly swelling carnage of a derailed subway pile up.

Like the centuries old cemetery that bears its name, the fetid stench of death and decay permeates Gravesend and the predatory wrath and inhumanity embodied in “Methods Of Human Disposal” holds up a shattered mirror reflecting back the filth and corruption of a New York that never really went away.

2. An alternative metal/hard rock band from Chicago, IL, featuring members from former national acts Deepfield, Janus, Seconds To Serenity, and Daylight Dawns.

Gravesend is:
Baxter Teal - Vocals/Guitar
Jake LoGiudice - Guitar/Vocals/Programming
Mike Falesch - Guitar
Rick Tauber - Bass
Jake Portenkirchner - Drums

3. GRAVESEND, a genre-fluid band, is the continuation of PVMNTS from Southern California. Comprising of Wilfredo Alexis Ramirez, Angel Lopez, Ben Lopez and John Barry, the band released their debut single "Lights" on October 17th, 2019 to critical acclaim.

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