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You might not be clean
But you sure clean up
I see that fresh number seven
You got at Supercuts
You got your line
It ain't Hollywood
You ain't Versace Hibachi
But what chu got's got me good
When you put your hands on my waist
I can see that look on your face
Tell me why you do that
When you do that
For reciprocity
Tell me why you do that
When you knew that
You're just my cup of tea
I just can't help myself it's my chemistry
Tell me why you do that
When you know what that do to me
You're so up and down
But you turn the dial
You take it nice and loud
In and out Animal style
Don't get me wrong
You got me gone
I love your scuffed up Chuck's
No need for Louboutin
Oh, when you put your hands on my waist
I can see that look on your face
Tell me why you do that
When you do that
For reciprocity
Tell me why you do that
When you knew that
You're just my cup of tea
I just can't help myself it's my chemistry
Tell me why you do that
When you know what that do to me
Tell me why you do that
When you do that
For reciprocity
Tell me why you do that
When you knew that
You're just my cup of tea
I just can't help myself it's my chemistry
Tell me why you do that
When you know what that do to me

Writer(s): John Osborne, Lucie Silvas, Ben Chapman, Meg Mccree, Grace Bowers

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