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  • Born

    1948 (age 76)

  • Born In

    Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

There are at least 2 singers credited as Giovana

1.A singer who released a few singles, which include Cuando Llegue El Amor, Ven A Mi, Promesas De Cartón, Another Love Like His, Say You Hate Me and Dawn of The Night. These singles no longer seem to be on streaming and download services. She also released some covers on her YouTube channel - some of which have been released for streaming, such as her version of Bruno Mars ''It Will Rain'' and Jason Mraz's ''I Won't Give Up''.

2.A Brazilian Samba singer who has also been credited as Geovana - the tag that seems more commonly used on Last.FM and Gê Manhosa. On streaming sites, her albums Quem Tem Carinho Me Leva (1975) and a 2020 release titled Brilha Sol are credited as Geovana.

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