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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me (Her Memory Will)


The bars are all closed
It's four in the mornin'
I must have shut 'em all down
By the shape that I'm in

I lay my head on the wheel
And the horn begins honkin'
The whole neighborhood knows
That I'm home drunk again

Lyrics continue below...

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If drinkin' don't kill me
Her memory will
I can't hold out much longer
The way that I feel

With the blood from my body
I could start my own still
But if drinkin' don't kill me
Her memory will

These old bones, they move slow
But so sure of their footsteps
As I trip on the floor
And I lightly touch down

Lord, it's been ten bottles
Since I tried to forget her
But the mem'ry still lingers
Lyin' here on the ground

And if drinkin' don't kill me
Her memory will
I can't hold out much longer
The way that I feel

With the blood from my body
I could start my own still
But if drinkin' don't kill me
Her memory will

Writer(s): Richard Ellsworth Beresford, Harlan Sanders

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