
  • Born

    27 January 1937

  • Born In

    Stockholm municipality, Stockholms län, Sweden

  • Died

    9 August 1985 (aged 48)

Fred Åkerström (27 January 1937 - 9 August 1985) was a Swedish singer particularly noted for his interpretations of Bellman's music, and his own work of the typically Swedish song segment named visa. These songs, visor, are traditionally very narrative and the performance is "acted" to some degree. The singer is in context a vissångare, a troubadour's character. On surface level, Åkerström came to be noted for his actor's interpreations of Bellman's 18th century material, and his unusual ability to reach deep bass notes.

Åkerstöm may early have aspired to become vissångare, being a devoted listener to Ruben Nilson. After performances at the famous vispråmen "Storken", he released his first record in 1963, Fred Åkerström sjunger Ruben Nilson. He was a contemporary of Cornelis Vreeswijk, and the two were at times very close, touring together and releasing a joint record, early in their careers.

Fred Åkerström was, and still is, indeed one of Sweden's greatest vissångare.

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