Born in 1962, Frank’s musical career started at age18 with the founding of the successful Belgian synth pop band « 1000 Ohm ». He states: “I consider these 1000 Ohm years, from 1980 to 1987,as my formative years” They where more important than any other schooling I had. When I listen back to material of that period, it’s obvious that it was all pretty awful stuff compared to what I’m doing now. But that’s when I learned to play and love synths. Curiously, the stuff is still in demand . I think this is mainly due to the fact that 1000 Ohm ‘s music is still regarded as a good showcase… read more
Born in 1962, Frank’s musical career started at age18 with the founding of the successful Belgian synth pop band « 1000 Ohm ». He states: “I consider these 1000 Ohm years, from 1980 to 1987,as my formative years” They where more important than any other schooling I had. When I listen back to … read more
Born in 1962, Frank’s musical career started at age18 with the founding of the successful Belgian synth pop band « 1000 Ohm ». He states: “I consider these 1000 Ohm years, from 1980 to 1987,as my formative years” They where more important than any other schooling I had. When I listen back to material of that period, it’s obvious that it was all pretty awful stuff… read more