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1. Foamboy are a Portland-based duo comprised of producer Wil Bakula and vocalist Katy Ohsiek. They met in Salem, OR and worked together for a number of years in the experimental musical collective Chromatic Colors. In this group, Wil and Katy collaborated with a wide variety of instrumentalists, released 2 full-length albums, and graced the stages of many outdoor festivals, bars, and basements. In the events of 2020, Wil and Katy took this time to take on a new project, and Foamboy came to be.

2. Foamboy, also known as The Foamboy Deluxe Arkestra, is Northern Irish electronic artist Geoff Topley. His new album "Johnny Royale" is currently available to be previewed on

Mixing influences as far ranging as doo-wop, disco, motown, gospel and modern electronic sounds, Geoff layers beats, distorted guitars and his own unique voice to make music that expresses a very individual talent.

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