The Extra Action Marching Band is loosely based on the American Marching Band construct. Wielding an all brass and drums instrumentation and being lead by a flag waving colorguard, they resemble a modern day drum corps but with a lot less organization.Members of the San Diego based Crash Worship started Extra Action in the mid to late 90s. Since then, the band has found new roots in the Northern Califronia Bay Area and currently boasts aproximately 35 members. Extra Action has performed in countless protests and street festivals, but some its more notable performaces have been with … read more
The Extra Action Marching Band is loosely based on the American Marching Band construct. Wielding an all brass and drums instrumentation and being lead by a flag waving colorguard, they resemble a modern day drum corps but with a lot less organization.Members of the San Diego based Crash Wors… read more
The Extra Action Marching Band is loosely based on the American Marching Band construct. Wielding an all brass and drums instrumentation and being lead by a flag waving colorguard, they resemble a modern day drum corps but with a lot less organization.Members of the San Diego based Crash Worship started Extra Action in the mid to late 90s. Since then, the band ha… read more