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Whisper in the Night - 2001 Remastered Version


Whisper in the night over silent evening air
Angel's gown shines white
All at once you're glad she's there

Daughter of your dream, shine a guiding light for me
For I'll be here till light
Whisper in the night
Till she has forgiven me

Lyrics continue below...

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Night turns into gold so the tide may turn today
Though God gave the world, it's not mine to throw away

Daughter of your dream, shine a guiding light for me
For I'll be here till light
Whisper in the night
Till she has forgiven me
La, da, da, da
Whisper in the night
Till she has forgiven me

Help me to face what the day may bring
Angels sing
You were sent to make the night be kind
What will I find?

Angels sing

Snowflake bird, she comes, taking grey clouds from your door
Face the midnight sun
You have something to live for

Daughter of your dream, shine a guiding light for me
For I'll be here till light
Whisper in the night
Till she has forgiven me
La, da, da, da
Whisper in the night
Till she has forgiven me

Writer(s): Luigi Albertelli, Roy Wood

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