
Eiza Murphy is an Irish singer/songwriter based in London. Her debut single “Black Hole” was released on October 15th 2020 and charted at #1 on iTunes Ireland. The artist featured on Ireland’s top radio stations, RTE Radio 1 and RTE 2FM, and appeared on publications such as Music Crowns UK and LA on Lock. Eiza moved to New York, aged 15, to study Logic Pro music production at Dubspot School of Electronic Music where she was the only girl in a class of 20 men and the youngest by 15 years. Living in London from 2017, she has performed in venues such as Tobacco Dock, Battersea Evolution and the London National Film Theatre alongside international venues such as the Sandals Resorts in the Caribbean. 2020 marks the beginning of her artist project with “Taxi” as her thought-provoking follow-up single.

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