
Edward King Bass IV, professionally known as Edward Skeletrix, is an experimental rapper from Atlanta known for his work with AI in his visuals, his brand Syckli, and his character Hubert Skeletrix. He has recorded under other names, such as Cight, Syckli, …, shieldLess, and Im A Monster. He is also known as being a former resident of Skeletrix Island.

He first gained notoriety for his contributions to the “Holy Trap” genre with his EP “ARCHITECTURE”, featuring KLNV (Night Lovell), greg, EPVR(Benjamin), Falco, and the 0% boys. He was a member of a few groups of producers, such as MIZUSTATION and 0% boys. He has also worked with other noteworthy producers such as Misogi, Lil Netzero, and Fifty Grand. After a long hiatus, he returned in 2017 on a new account titled shieldLess. As of 2019, he remains inactive as a producer and now focuses on his clothing brand and his new project Edward Skeletrix.

Starting the Edward Skeletrix project around mid-to-late 2019, the project did not center around music until mid July 2023 with his release, Psychosis.coM. Instead, the brand of Edward Skeletrix aesthetically centered around the use of purposefully strange and disturbing, AI imagery and videos with rage inspired music (that later became snippets of Edwards own music) in the background, which were featured on his now deleted TikTok account, which was deleted or banned sometime in November 2023, shortly after the first snippet of the Skeletrix Language album of Typical Rap Song 8 on November 19th, 2023.

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