Jamire Williams is a thriving, world renowned musician, producer and composer on the New York City scene. A native of Houston, TX, Jamire displayed a God given talent on the drums at a very early age which he has honed and perfected over the years. He is a graduate of Houston’s Grammy Award winning High School for the Performing & Visual Arts, which has also produced the likes of Beyonce Knowles and super-producer Brian-Micheal Cox. After moving to New York, he received his B.F.A. in Jazz and Contemporary Music from New School University and was chosen as recipient of the univer… read more
Jamire Williams is a thriving, world renowned musician, producer and composer on the New York City scene. A native of Houston, TX, Jamire displayed a God given talent on the drums at a very early age which he has honed and perfected over the years. He is a graduate of Houston’s Grammy Award w… read more
Jamire Williams is a thriving, world renowned musician, producer and composer on the New York City scene. A native of Houston, TX, Jamire displayed a God given talent on the drums at a very early age which he has honed and perfected over the years. He is a graduate of Houston’s Grammy Award winning High School for the Performing & Visual Arts, which has also … read more