Dubble D AKA Danny Ward has been associated with 2020 Vision for many years now, and is on his way to producing a great debut album for us. Danny ‘s no newcomer to the music scene. Far from it, in fact he is one of the most highly respected and well-established drummer/ percussionists in the North of England, working with artists such as Rae & Christian, AIM, Fila Brasilia, Only Child, The Pharcyde, Veba, Chapter & The Verse and Kriminul. He also wrote a track for Mark Rae’s second album and one of his own productions was included on the last Mushroom Jazz CD released by Om.… read more
Dubble D AKA Danny Ward has been associated with 2020 Vision for many years now, and is on his way to producing a great debut album for us. Danny ‘s no newcomer to the music scene. Far from it, in fact he is one of the most highly respected and well-established drummer/ percussionists in the … read more
Dubble D AKA Danny Ward has been associated with 2020 Vision for many years now, and is on his way to producing a great debut album for us. Danny ‘s no newcomer to the music scene. Far from it, in fact he is one of the most highly respected and well-established drummer/ percussionists in the North of England, working with artists such as Rae & Christian, AIM,… read more