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残り火 (Nokoribi; Embers) -eternal BED- is DOUBLE's 17th single, released on the 5th of December 2007. It serves as the sequel to her third single, BED, released 9 years before. It interpolates the bridge from BED, although the sample in the intro seems to instead be taken from BED (DOUBLES). It was the only single preceding the release of 10 YEARS BEST WE R&B, and has appeared on every compilation album released by DOUBLE since, including Ballad Collection Mellow, SINGLE BEST and DOUBLE LATEST SINGLE BEST. The version featured on 10 YEARS BEST WE R&B features an extended outro.

Nokoribi is a wintry ballad with a strong string section and an R&B beat throughout. Lyrically, it describes a couple's last night together before breaking up, relating and playing on the lyrical themes of the original BED.

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